Adding Klipper to my Ender 3 Max

Playing with CAN Bus and the Hermit Crab

Goal: have a quick change tool head on my Ender 3 Max to use direct extruder and a laser

Having fun: playing with CAN

Ingredients: Hermit Crab Can, Ender3Max, many mods, Orbiter 2, Phaetus Dragon and HeroMe

Prep: two weeks

Level: Advanced

State: just started


20220814 Ingredients are all here
My Ender 3 Max needs another update: Klipper with SKR Pico and Hermit Crab CAN. The packaging of the Hermit Crab CAN is really nice, everything I need is included and I can’t wait putting alls things together. As the CAN HAT uses the same ports as the SKR Pico, I will have to use the SKR Pico with USB or add a CAN interface…

20220815 nice Youtube video found for Hermit Crab CAN

20220816 Added CAN HAT according to the youtube video.

Changed the serial port for the SKR PICO to uart3. To enable the uart3 on the Raspi 4 I added


to my /boot/config.txt. Rewired the SKR PICO (maybe I make a custom cable later) and changed the serial port to /dev/ttyAMA1.